一直有一个需求是检查某个字段值 不存在 数据库中, 今天又看了一下 laravel validation 源码. 才发现从 5.3 开始已经把具体验证和错误消息处理的部分方法拆分了 trait.
直接看一下 exists
namespace Illuminate\Validation\Concerns
trait ValidatesAttributes
public function validateExists($attribute, $value, $parameters)
$this->requireParameterCount(1, $parameters, 'exists');
list($connection, $table) = $this->parseTable($parameters[0]);
// The second parameter position holds the name of the column that should be
// verified as existing. If this parameter is not specified we will guess
// that the columns being "verified" shares the given attribute's name.
$column = $this->getQueryColumn($parameters, $attribute);
$expected = (is_array($value)) ? count($value) : 1;
return $this->getExistCount(
$connection, $table, $column, $value, $parameters
) >= $expected;
那要实现 not_exists
Validator::extend('not_exists', function ($attributes, $value, $parameters, $validator) {
return !$validator->validateExists($attributes, $value, $parameters);
解决 ~ 🤪